Last modified date-by Austin Wright

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2012 Green Jacket Recap

Wandermere Golf Course played host to the 24th Green Jacket Event on Saturday November 3rd.  Rainwear was the fashion statement of the the day as rain fell overnight and continued thru the front nine of play.  15 players played thru the conditions and the rain did little to dampen the spirit of the event.

Josh Lipps won his first Green Jacket by playing to his handicap of the day, the only player to do so, he won the event by 3 strokes over the next closest competitor, multi-winner Tuna.  Lipps played steady all day, never allowing the adverse conditions or the fact that he and his wife were hosting a dinner party at his humble abode that evening.  Focused, the young man was focused on the task at hand, something this author was able to watch first hand, very impressive, yes indeed.

Congratulations to Mr. Lipps on his first Green Jacket and on the fact that you look so good in the jacket itself, an honor that the Jacket has not seen in quite a few years, it actually fit the winner!

This was the only the second time time Wandermere hosted the Green Jacket event, the only other time was back in 1994, a tournament won by Michelle Clark in a play-off over Rich. 

Congratulations to this year's winner and to all who played!  The 2013 event, which will be our 25th, will be planned by Director Emeritus Rich, who is looking at a late Septemeber date at the beautiful Circling Raven Golf Course, so keep your calendar open, you don't want to miss this event!

Please see the PDF of the famed "Hot Dog Wrapper", chronicling the grand Green Jacket Tournament. Enjoy. (2013 updae pending)

Click Here to See GJ Hot Dog Wrapper!

A local fisherman taking a break on Tiger's yacht......